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Communal Bin Hubs

Francis Galashan

Dear Members,

As you may have heard the Council decided on 27 January to proceed with their plans to install communal bin hubs throughout the New Town including along the Terraces and Mews without any of the mitigating measures that they had been discussing with the various heritage bodies and against the overwhelming opposition of residents. They are yet to issue any plans showing the specific locations for the new bin hubs but these are expected over the next few months once the Traffic Regulation Order consultation commences. The attached update has been received from the New Town and Broughton Community Council which has been supporting local residents' associations in the campaign to retain the existing waste and recycling collection arrangements until a better solution has been found. Although the decision to proceed was very disappointing, the campaign continues!

The campaign team is continuing to lobby the Council and is seeking discussions with the Scottish and UK Government departments responsible for the protection of Edinburgh's World Heritage Site. Also, an independent Heritage Impact Assessment is being commissioned to evaluate the consequences for the heritage and in particular the unique streetscape of the New Town.

Clearly this topic will be an issue in the forthcoming Council elections especially in the City Centre ward. Please do raise this issue with our current Councillors and candidates so that you can understand their stance on waste collection. Do let us know what you think about this issue. We want to ensure we are representing all views among our members. Regards RRCTMA Committee


(c) 2025 The Regent, Royal and Carlton Terraces and the Mews Association, 2A Carlton Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5DD, Scotland

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