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Recycling Trial FAQs

Alice Samtoy

Here are some of the frequently asked questions that residents have about the ongoing recycling trial. If you have further questions, please do contact the committee and we'll do our best to help.

1. Why is this trial being conducted?

The Council made a decision to install communal bin hubs across the City Centre in April 2021 but after strong representations from residents and the Community Council they agreed to pause the roll out of the bins in the New Town and undertake a trial of new arrangements for the collection of dry mixed recycling.

2. What is being trialled?

Instead of using red boxes to present the dry mixed recycling (plastic containers, paper, cardboard and tins) they will be collected in clear plastic bags from new green gull proof sacks. No other changes to waste collection are being made and the dry mixed recycling will be collected every two weeks on Friday mornings just as at present. The Friday morning collection will continue to alternate between collection of dry mixed recycling one week and glass containers the next. Glass bottles and jars should be placed in the blue boxes as at present.

3. What benefits are there in moving away from red boxes?

The new gull proof sacks allow up to four times as much recycling to be presented as in a single red box. This will contribute to the overall Council goal to increase the amount of recycling. They are also less prone to being blown around reducing litter and will not become trip hazard.

4. Is this not just an expensive waste of time?

On the contrary, each gull proof sack has cost about £10 but each communal bin hub would cost around £10,000 and that is before the cost of increased collections is added in to the future operational costs for the Council. We believe that this method of collecting recycling is both better and less costly than that proposed previously.

5. How long will the trial last?

At present it is expected that the trial will last at least six months but this may be extended depending on its success and any alternative arrangements that the Council may seek to introduce.

6. Where is the trial being undertaken?

There are 17 streets all in the New Town involved in the trial including Regent, Carlton and Royal Terrace. In total this represents about 100 households.

7. I have not received a green gull proof sack or the plastic bags – where do I get them?

These have been distributed by members of the RRCTMA along the Terraces but if you have not received them please contact the RRCTMA at

8. I have used up my initial supply of clear plastic sacks - where can I get more?

We have a limited further supply of clear plastic bags supplied by the Council for the trial that are available on request by contacting RRCTMA at Alternatively any suitable clear plastic bag can be used. Black or otherwise opaque bags will not be collected.

9. What happens if my green gull proof sack is lost?

Unlike the plastic bags we do not have any extra gull prof sacks but please do contact the RRCTMA at as we may be able to suggest an alternative. If you have not already done so, it would be a good idea to mark on the sack your address to help in it being reinstated if mislaid.

10. What can I do with large cardboard boxes?

Any large cardboard boxes (without any polystyrene or other non-paper packaging) can be folded flat and placed beside your green gull proof sack for collection. Alternatively these can be taken to one of the Council’s recycling facilities.

11. Can I still use my red box to put out my recycling?

The Council will no longer collect dry mixed recycling placed in red boxes on the streets participating in the trial. They can still be used as an alternative to the blue boxes for putting out glass bottles and jars.

12. I don’t have a black gull proof bag - where can I get one?

These can be ordered from the Council website along with food waste caddies and blue boxes but the RRCTMA does have a small supply of the black gull proof bags. Please contact RRCTMA at if you want one.


(c) 2025 The Regent, Royal and Carlton Terraces and the Mews Association, 2A Carlton Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5DD, Scotland

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